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Partner Search: Delivering Evidence-based Targeted Instruction in South Africa

We are seeking partners based in South Africa to adapt and expand targeted instruction approaches, such as Teaching at the Right Level, and work together to test and adapt evidence-based approaches with Youth Impact and the Department of Basic Education. This effort is connected to a broader community of practice including TaRL Africa, Unicef, Zenex, The Learning Trust and the Department of Basic Education, working together to improve foundational education outcomes. This particular opportunity is supported by the Lego Foundation. 

What is Teaching at the Right Level?

Teaching at the Right Level is a 30-hour targeted instruction education program designed to ensure every child achieves basic literacy and numeracy. TaRL was developed by Pratham in India and rigorously tested by J-PAL and affiliated researchers for 15+ years across a series of randomized trials. TaRL takes place within the regular school day, groups students by learning level rather than age or grade, and teaches using fun and interactive activities. Learn more about TaRL, and see its results, here. As a TaRL Africa Innovation Hub, Youth Impact conducts A/B testing, a rapid, rigorous and randomized method of iteratively optimizing cost-effectiveness and scalability. Based on the results of these tests, small tweaks are integrated into the program in an ongoing way.

TaRL in South Africa

To date, Youth Impact works in 20 schools in Mafikeng in partnership with the Government, achieving remarkable results. Currently, TaRL numeracy is delivered by Youth Impact-trained facilitators and mentors, with plans to roll out TaRL literacy and A/B testing to continuously iterate and improve TaRL’s scalability and cost-efficiency. The goal is to reach many more children with sustained impact, beginning in North West Province and a second province in 2025.

What is the role of a partner? 

Ensuring all children learn foundational skills takes an ecosystem! We are looking for partners to collaborate on delivering TaRL in South Africa, including:

  • Participate in a 3-5 day training on delivering, mentoring and monitoring TaRL.

  • Train and support facilitators, teachers and/or other educators to deliver TaRL.

  • Develop and use data systems to share timely results and improve delivery.

  • Engage with Government at various levels.

  • Share and contribute to national and global learning.

What support does Youth Impact provide partners? 

We will offer support for early-stage TARL development – establishing implementation fundamentals and contextualizing the approach in new locations. This may include:

  • Technical support for TaRL training, mentoring and monitoring systems.

  • Material support, such as TaRL lesson plans, assessment tools, and monitoring instruments.

  • Initial seed funding to pilot and adapt TaRL, ensuring program fundamentals are in place. 

  • Potential for longer-term support depending on partner capacity and interest.

The intention is for partners to take a staged approach to scaling and sustaining impact. Youth Impact will support partners through a four-staged process:

Asset 7tarl-process.png

Is this right for you?

We are seeking partners (organization, provincial government or individual) to adapt and deliver TaRL with the following characteristics:

✅ Action-oriented

✅ Willingness to experiment, iterate and learn, with an appreciation for evidence and data-driven decision making

✅ Focus on education in South Africa, along with an opportunity for TaRL to fit into the organization's longer-term strategic plans

✅ Strong relationships with government stakeholders involved with primary education in South Africa

✅ Commitment and capacity to scale the impact of TaRL over time

Live Q&A recording

On Tuesday 11th February we held a live Q&A to present more information about this opportunity and field questions from interested entities. To watch a recording of the live Q&A please click here.

Expression of interest

If you would like to express your interest in this opportunity, we ask that you fill in a form with information about your organization, by 7th March 2025. 

Youth Impact’s mission is to connect youth to proven life-changing information. Our vision is to enable over 1 million youth to thrive through delivery of multiple evidence-based programs.

Youth Impact is registered as Young 1ove Organization, and operated under the name Young 1ove Organization until 2022.

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 Telephone: (+267) 311 1700


Young 1ove Organization

Plot 6789 Seboko Close

Broadhurst Tsholofelo

Gaborone, South East


Young 1ove Organization (trading as Youth Impact). © 2024

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